About Our Live Seminars
Learn the hands-on skills for chiropractic paediatrics with Steve Williams, DC, DICS, FICS, FRCC (paed), FRCC (cranio), FBCA
Steve lectures extensively worldwide on the subject of paediatrics and craniopathy. He helped to develop and teach the MSC APD Chiropractic Paediatrics at the AECC and authored the book “Pregnancy and Paediatrics: A Chiropractic Approach”
The seminars are focused on the development of practical “hands on” skills in the treatment of the pregnant female, infants and children but with a comprehensive set of techniques that can be used across your practice, for patients of all ages.
The seminars are open to Chiropractors and Osteopaths only.
Seminar Agenda:
Registration at 9.00am
Saturday 9.30am – 6.00pm
Sunday 9.00am – 1.00pm -
Tuition Fees:
£395 - Book before the cut off date
£450 - From cut off date onwards
£350 – Student price

Double Tree by Hilton Hotel
Bracken Place
SO16 3RB
Discount Accommodation:
Book your accommodation with Double Tree and receive 15% discount
We reserve the right to cancel this programme due to unforeseen circumstances or to make alterations to fees, arrangements and dates. Cancellations received in writing 14 days prior to the seminar date will incur a 50% fee. No refunds will be given for no- shows or cancellations after this date.

Steve Williams DC, DICS, FICS, FRCC (paed), FBCA
A world-authority, Steve specialises in paediatrics and craniopathy and is keen to share his expertise as widely as possible. He lectures extensively and is a public speaker in the USA, Australia and Europe on the subject of pregnancy and paediatrics.
He helped to develop the MSc in Applied Professional Development: Chiropractic Paediatrics at the AECC. And he is the author of the popular text book ‘Pregnancy and Paediatrics: A Chiropractic Approach’.